You can connect your laptop or smartphone to the campus wireless LAN (Wi-Fi).
"Rits-1Xauth" and"5GHz-Rits-1Xauth" "Rits-Webauth" are available for our university's wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) environment.
Once you set up "Rits-1Xauth", the device will remember the user ID you set up and will automatically connect with that user ID the next time.
Please use Rits-Webauth for devices that are shared with multiple users.
Some devices may not be able to connect to Rits-1Xauth.
Please use Rits-Webauth for devices that cannot be set up as described in the manual.
For how to use, please refer to the Rainbow Support Site > Services > Service list > Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) Rits-1Xauth.
Related article: I'm experiencing difficulty connecting to the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) in the classroom.